In my life

Sinead Burt answers questions on her experiences in the education system.

Sinead Burt answers questions on her experiences in the education system.

Current job: Model and graphic designer.

What school did you go to? Ballyvaughan National School, Ranelagh Multi- Denominational School and Mount Temple Comprehensive, Clontarf.

Best subject? Art.


Worst subject? Maths.

What's the boldest thing you ever did in school? The list is endless... I once built a snowman in the maths block; the place was so cold I thought he might stay frozen for longer in there than in the yard.

Who was your favourite teacher and why? Alastair Gray, my kindergarten teacher. He inspired me to experiment beyond finger painting and plasticine.

Who was the object of your first crush? Alastair Gray, kindergarten teacher!

What was your earliest career ambition? It was and still is to have a creative job that I enjoy. Were you cool or nerdy at school? I was a cool nerd.

Did you go to college? I have a diploma in Visual Communication Design from DLIADT.

What song most reminds you of your school days? Who Loves the Sun by The Velvet Underground.

What would you look for when choosing a school for your own children? A co-ed environment where independent thinking, creativity and environmental awareness are encouraged.

Were your school days the best days of your life? Definitely not. I hated going and I loved leaving.