CV: John Hegarty, Provost, Trinity College Dublin

CV: John Hegarty, Provost, Trinity College Dublin

Current job: Provost, Trinity College Dublin

What school did you attend? Claremorris NS, St Colmans' Secondary School.

Did you have any famous classmates? Pat Rabbitte, who was one year behind me. Even then he was our star debater.


Hidden talents at school? One of my teacher called me "a boy who dreamed in the day" is this a hidden talent? Joking apart, suppose I had an aptitude for maths.

Where did you go to college? St Patricks' College, Maynooth. I took a science degree and was a clerical student. A PhD at UCG in physics - the nearest thing to God I could find after four years studying for the priesthood!

Best subject? In secondary school, Latin.

Worst subject? I hate to admit it but it was Christian doctrine.

Most inspirational teacher? My science teacher, Fr Michael Lyons. He had a vision of science far beyond any curriculum.

Best thing about the Irish education system? The standard of education generally at all levels is very good.

Worst thing? I worry about the points system as the only indicator of merit.

What song reminds you of your school days? The Rolling Stones' (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction.