Chatterbox: The talk of education

Debt collectors pursuing former students for unpaid college fees

Debt collectors pursuing former students for unpaid college fees

Apparently #UCD have hired debt collectors to chase down students who haven’t paid their college fees. So ridiculous. #comeandgetme @Paulybeee

Are these the same students who are still waiting on their grants and who avail of charity food bags? – Jamie McCormack ,

I had to borrow and pay for college. I'm still paying eight years later. Only 8k to go. Students should pay their way. If they can't do it during college, then pay for their education afterwards. This country is broke and about time we all payed our way. I live in a student town. If they can afford to go out and get pissed most nights, then I'm sure they can put away a few quid and pay for their education – Dmc,


I agree 100 per cent. I had to pay my way through college and didn't get a grant until my final year, couldn't and still can't find how students who claim are struggling with finances can spend €50 or more on a night out, two or three nights a week. – Kevin Hosford,

A complete waste of money! You cannot get money from students who simply do not have it. Most students live and educate themselves on very little money. – Mary McCarthy,

What is expected? A free journey through life. Lovely. – Rory Conway,

The debt being sought is from individuals who have moved on from the institution. Current students will not be affected. Previous students' failure to pay has a knock-on effect in terms of university budgets and services to students, which are already being hit hard by cuts. – Adam Moursy,

UCD egg throwing students face the consequences

Our Taoiseach should be running the country, not dodging eggs and missiles or wasting time changing his clothes. Neither should we have to spend more money protecting him from yobs! – IbrahimMohamad,

Defend with your words next time instead of silly actions. – Joe,

Kenny should not interfere with the course of justice. He should report a crime if he has been the victim of one. Do you have a scale of things that can be thrown at people before they constitute an assault? A hard-boiled egg? An auk's egg? An omelette still in the pan? – Pedanto,

A sorry day for @ucddublin if students are expelled for protesting over fees and cuts to grants @SarCampel

Let’s hope there’s a penalty but not expulsion @lynchmac

I would rather defend people like me and access to education and if that requires me getting expelled, so be it. @freejournalism

UCD are embarrassing themselves in this debacle. They should let the issue pass. – Analyzer,

#UCD egg-throwing students suspended. fine. Must write letter of apology to UCD VP and reprimand. #belfieldfm @joeystrider