Dublin to announce Gay Pride festival

Dublin's Gay Pride Festival will be officially announced later today with a programme to entertain tens of thousands of visitors…

Dublin's Gay Pride Festival will be officially announced later today with a programme to entertain tens of thousands of visitors.

Fun events will be held every day, culminating in the Dublin Pride Parade on June 23rd, marking the anniversary of the Stonewall riots in New York, a significant turning point in the history of gay rights.

Visitors to Dublin can also get down at the Pride Ceili or dance at a Girls Night in the Temple Bar Music Centre, and other events include poetry reading, a sports day and a family day.

The theme of this year's festival is Pride n' Joy, emphasising the use of celebration as a positive medium to get a message across and to increase the visibility of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) community.


Organised by Dublin LGBTQ Pride, the festival will promote diversity, respect and equality.

Last year, thousands thronged the streets for the parade, which featured colourful artists and performers from all over the world.