Dublin’s population to rise by 56% by 2031

The population of Dublin is projected to increase by over half a million by 2031 if the current trend of population growth continues…

The population of Dublin is projected to increase by over half a million by 2031 if the current trend of population growth continues as expected, according to figures released today by the Central Statistics Office.

The populations projections based on the 1996 census show that Dublin’s population is expected to rise by 56 per cent to over 1.5 million followed by the Mid-East region of Kildare, Meath and Westmeath (49.7 per cent).

By 2031 Dublin will contain 36.2 per cent of the population of the State while the Mid-East will account for 11.4 per cent.

These two areas will grow due to natural increase, international migration and migration from other Irish regions. Over 70,000 people are expected to leave the Border and Midlands for the eastern regions in the next 30 years.


All regions will see an inflow from immigration with Dublin expecting 205,000 and West 48,000 immigrants by 2031.

Only the Midlands will experience a fall in population by 2031. The regionis projected to lose 10 per cent of its population, althoughthe population of the South-East is projected to increase by less than one per cent.

The young population (those aged 0-14 years) will increase by over a fifth in the Dublin region over the 35-year period covered by the projections, due to rising births.

However, in all other regions there will be fewer younger persons in 2031 compared with 1996. The decline will be most pronounced in the Midland region (-44.5 per cent), while in the Mid-East it will only be slight (-1 per cent).