Dublin Airport, Finglas may be included in Luas network

DUBLIN Airport and Finglas may now be included in the new Luas light rail network from the city centre.

DUBLIN Airport and Finglas may now be included in the new Luas light rail network from the city centre.

This became clear yesterday when the Government gave a firm undertaking to start building the north Dublin line including Ballymun "immediately" after the first phase of the network, involving lines from the city centre to Dundrum and Tallaght, is completed.

This would mean that construction of the northside line is now likely to begin in 2000. The planning and design work is to begin early next year.

The decision was announced yesterday by the Minister for Transport, Energy and Communications, Mr Lowry, and the EU Regional Affairs Commissioner, Ms Monika Wulf-Mathies, after they met in Dublin.


Mr Lowry said the route to be taken by the second phase of the Luas service on the north side might yet include Finglas and Dublin Airport as well as Ballymun.

"I'm not satisfied that the existing route as published serves the north side properly," he said.

The Government decision to set such a firm timetable follows considerable pressure from the European Commission, which is paying £112 million towards the cost of the Tallaght and Dundrum lines.

In a statement before her meeting with Mr Lowry yesterday, Ms Wulf-Mathies said she wanted "a firm commitment" that the northside line would be built as soon as possible; that the design and planning work would begin immediately; and that an extension to the airport would be investigated. She received commitments on all three points from Mr Lowry.

Ms Wulf-Mathies said the European Commission would now co-finance the detailed design and planning work for the northside line.