Drogheda takes over friary gallery

The former Franciscan friary church in Drogheda, which has been transformed into an art gallery, has been formally handed over…

The former Franciscan friary church in Drogheda, which has been transformed into an art gallery, has been formally handed over to the people of Drogheda, writes Elaine Keogh.

The order vacated the premises in 2000, saying it wished to donate it to the community. However, it stipulated that it must be put to a "suitable community use" and it has become the town's municipal gallery. Conservation and remodelling took two years and cost about €4.3 million. That was met by private donations and support from the local authority, the Heritage Council and the EU Peace and Reconciliation Fund.

Yesterday was the feast of St Francis of Assisi and more than a dozen friars were at the opening. After a short ecumenical service, vicar general Fr Seán Collins presented the keys to the mayor.

The inaugural exhibition is entitled Irish Art from Nathaniel Hone to Nano Reid: the Drogheda Municipal Art Collection in Context.