Donation disclosure adds to Labour's woes

BRITAIN: The British Labour Party's political donations troubles deepened yesterday after it was confirmed that Scottish leader…

BRITAIN:The British Labour Party's political donations troubles deepened yesterday after it was confirmed that Scottish leader Wendy Alexander has been reported to prosecutors for failing to register donations to her leadership campaign.

Ms Alexander is already the subject of an investigation over a £950 campaign donation from a Jersey-based businessman. However, she has insisted she will stay on in her job, claiming the party and politics in Scotland would be "ill served" if she were to quit.

It emerged at the weekend that the parliamentary standards watchdog had sent a report to the procurator fiscal in Lothian and Borders, opening the possibility of a criminal investigation if the procurator fiscal then refers the matter on to the police.

On Friday, Ms Alexander publicly declared the top donors to her leadership campaign, naming 10 supporters who each gave just under £1,000.