Dog reunited with owner after taking a commuter train to Dublin

A happy reunion of a dog and its owner took place yesterday morning at Dublin’s Pearse Street station after the pet went there…

A happy reunion of a dog and its owner took place yesterday morning at Dublin’s Pearse Street station after the pet went there on the morning commuter train.

Patch, a Jack Russell cross from Co Kildare, had been missing since the day before.

He boarded a train in Kilcock at 6.49am yesterday, arriving in the city centre before 8am.

When passengers told station staff, they tweeted a picture of Patch which was seen by his owner, Deirdre Anglin, shortly after 9.30am, after it had been retweeted more than 500 times.


Iarnród Éireann spokesman Barry Kenny said it took only 32 minutes for Ms Anglin to get in touch.

“It was a good job she showed up as they were getting quite attached to him in the office,” he said.

Caroline Troy, station manager, said the “new little member” was “very friendly” and that Irish Rail staff had named him Checker after the ticket checkers.

Ms Anglin, a fund accountant, was “absolutely delighted” to be reunited with Patch.

Patch was almost a celebrity on the return train journey to Kilcock, with other passengers enquiring if he was “the dog from Twitter”.