Dodds warns on school protests

Northern Ireland's Minister of Social Development, Mr Nigel Dodds, said yesterday that protests by students against the appointment…

Northern Ireland's Minister of Social Development, Mr Nigel Dodds, said yesterday that protests by students against the appointment of Sinn Fein's Mr Martin McGuinness as Minister of Education should not be allowed to disrupt school work.

During a visit to Derry, Mr Dodds said his party wanted to "see kids who do want to make protests do so in a constructive and positive way and not interrupting or disrupting their education".

The Minister said he believed schoolchildren had the right to protest against Mr McGuinness's appointment. "Obviously there are concerns and children have made their point and I think they are entitled to make their point because after all government and others have always said it's their future and they have involved them in all sorts of stunts in the past."