Doctor at inquiry after patient death

A doctor is appearing before a Fitness to Practice Inquiry accused of poor professional performance following the death of a …

A doctor is appearing before a Fitness to Practice Inquiry accused of poor professional performance following the death of a man shortly after he had treated him.

Dr Sandor Endredi, who qualified in Hungary in 1977, treated Anthony Geraghty (32) at a Coolock clinic at 12.45am on the morning of October 20th, 2009 after having difficulties breathing, the inquiry heard this morning.

After diagnosing obesity, a fast heart beat and alcohol withdrawal Dr Endredi prescribed some medicine for Mr Geraghty, a barrister for the chief executive of the Medical Council has said in an opening statement.

Shortly after his twin brother Damien Geraghty took him home, he collapsed and was taken by ambulance to the Mater hospital where he was pronounced dead shortly after 2am.


The inquiry heard Mr Geraghty was taking "maintenance methadone", benzodiazepine and "would have been someone who was drinking as well", Patrick Leonard, barrister for the chief executive of the Medical Council said. Mr Geraghty had a "complicated medical history", Mr Leonard added.

Cathal Murphy for Dr Endredi said the statement that Mr Geraghty had a history of heart disease was "not correct".

A complaint was made to the Medical Council in October 2011 after an inquest into Mr Geraghty's death was held, Mr Leonard said.

The complaints against Dr Endredi include failure to carry out adequate examinations, failure to refer Mr Geraghty to hospital, failure to consider his cardiovascular history and failure to make an adequate record of the consultation.

The hearing continues.