Dispute among lifeboat crew disrupts service

Senior managers with the Royal National Life-Boat Institution have been trying to reconcile differences between the coxswain …

Senior managers with the Royal National Life-Boat Institution have been trying to reconcile differences between the coxswain and second coxswain at its Newcastle, Co Down, station which have led to temporary withdrawal of the inshore rescue service. This follows a demand by some of the voluntary crew for the dismissal of the coxswain.

A resolution was presented at a full station meeting earlier this week, when the coxswain, Mr Francis Morgan, addressed the volunteers. However, some of the crew and volunteers walked out.

"Following discussions with RNLI senior managers, the coxswain is prepared to address the constructive criticism that has been levelled at him and return to the station as coxswain, provided this is supported by the Newcastle lifeboat crew and the RNLI," the institution said in a statement.