Disability body calls for €500m in Budget

The Disability Federation of Ireland today demanded €500 million from the Government in the next budget.

The Disability Federation of Ireland today demanded €500 million from the Government in the next budget.

In its pre-budget submission in the Mansion House, the organisation said vital funding is needed immediately across a number of key areas.

The Government was called on to deliver its commitment to Towards 2016 and the National Disability Strategy by increasing social welfare payments, introducing measures to improve living conditions for the disabled and targeting the role of youngcarers .

" We have had the commitment now we must have delivery," said John Dolan, DFI Chief Executive.


" In 'Towards 2016' the Government set out a 10-year strategy for developments in the sector. This is an outstanding visionary document — but now the time has come to put finances in place to begin to deliver on this vision."

Mr Dolan said the 2007 budget is the first opportunity for Government to demonstrate its commitment to people with disability in real financial terms following the Social Partnership Agreement.

The Federation is expecting a positive response on December 6.

" Historically this sector has been neglected," added Mr Dolan.

" Once again this year we are putting forward issues that have been in our submission for several years. We need a positive signal at this time, which shows this Government's resolve in implementing the National Disability Strategy".

Among its demands, the organisation called on the Government to: