Darwin Day to be celebrated in Dublin

Events to celebrate Darwin Day compiled by Mary Mulvhill.

Events to celebrate Darwin Day compiled by Mary Mulvhill.

"Darwin, Evolution and the AIDS Virus," Prof Paul Sharp (Univ Nottingham), for the Humanist Association of Ireland, this evening in the Walton Theatre, Arts Building TCD at 8 p.m. (www.irish-humanists.org)

"Genetic changes underlying morphological diversity in cave fish and Darwin's finches," Prof Cliff Tabin (Harvard) for TCD's Genetical Society, tomorrow at 5 p.m. in the Schrodinger Lecture Theatre, Physics Building, TCD, which will be followed by a Darwinian birthday party.

"A devil's chaplain?" by Prof James Moore, co-author of the definitive biography of Darwin, National Museum, Kildare Street, February 12th at 3 p.m. (www.museum.ie)


"Charles Darwin and the 19th-century novel," by Kate Hebblethwaite, one of a series of public lectures on literature and science organised by TCD s Oscar Wilde Centre. February 15th, 7.30 p.m. Uí Chadhain Theatre, Arts Building TCD (www.tcd.ie/OWC)

For a real treat, visit Darwin s former home at Down House near London, now run by English Heritage, and see where he wrote Origin, and experimented with worms, sundews and weeds.

Or for a moving account of his life and work, read Annie's Box: Charles Darwin, his daughter and human evolution, by Randal Keynes (Fourth Estate, 2001).

See also: www.darwinday.org