UCD law school to host capital market regulation lecture

The UCD school of law is hosting a free public lecture by Prof Justin O’Brien entitled Back to the Future: James M Landis, Regulatory…

The UCD school of law is hosting a free public lecture by Prof Justin O’Brien entitled Back to the Future: James M Landis, Regulatory Purpose and the Rationale for Intervention in Capital Markets next Monday from 6-7pm at Newman House, St Stephen’s Green, Dublin.

The paper argues that sustainable reform of capital market regulation necessitates revisiting its initial framing and a re-examining of the rationales driving the key architects of the administrative state, notably the political thought of James M Landis. Details about the seminar and others is at ucd.ie/law/professionaldevelopment

Questionnaire online on experience of Irish divorce

A PhD student at the University of Caen, Karine Pierson ( ka.pierson@ free.fr), is asking to anyone who has been through the Irish divorce experience to assist with her thesis on the issue.


“There are essays, many articles and books about divorce, but not enough data and statistics about the human experience of getting through a divorce,” Ms Pierson says.

She has posted an anonymous survey questionnaire online which she asks those affected to fill in.

The questionnaire can be found at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ VSF8MBQ