Boy (15) arrested after Dublin taxi hijacked

Suspect accused of robbing driver at knifepoint before stealing and crashing his car

Gardaí in Dublin have arrested a 15-year-old boy on suspicion of hijacking a taxi at knifepoint early this morning.

The incident occurred at approximately 5.25am when a taxi driver stopped for a fare on Terenure Road North in the city’s south side at about 5.25am.

A youth threatened the 36-year-old driver with a knife, demanding money.

He then forced the driver out of the car before driving off in the direction of the city centre.


The stolen taxi collided with another car on Old Cabra Road on the northside about about 5.45am.

The suspect fled but was arrested by gardaí near the crash site.

He was taken to Rathmines Garda station where he is being held under section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act 1984 as amended.

A Garda spokesman said nobody was injured during the incident.

The incident is the latest in a series of recent hijackings.

A car with a woman and two children on board was hijacked by a man in Terenure on Friday afternoon.

The woman was forced to drive to her house and retrieve bank cards before taking money from an ATM. The man once again demanded that she withdraw money from the ATM. He then forced her to drive the car to Portobello at which point he left the car.

The woman and the two children were uninjured during the incident.

Meanwhile, a 27-year-old man has been remanded in custody charged with assault and robbery of a pregnant woman during a car-jacking in Dublin on Monday.

The car was alleged to have been taken in the north inner city, while the mother-to-be, a Chinese national, was still in it, after her partner stepped out to put money into a parking meter. The woman was treated for minor injuries in hospital.

Earlier this month, two men were arrested after a taxi driver was held up and the vehicle was stolen in Castleknock.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times