Crespo on the verge of move to Chelsea

Argentina striker Hernan Crespo is set to sign his contract with new club Chelsea tomorrow

Argentina striker Hernan Crespo is set to sign his contract with new club Chelsea tomorrow. Crespo will become Chelsea's latest summer signing in the next 36 hours following the agreement reached between Inter Milan and Roman Abramovich's club for the transfer of the 28-year-old to Stamford Bridge.

"Crespo will sign his contract with Chelsea tomorrow after he passes the medical tests. He will probably sign after the match," said the player's agent Fernando Hidalgo, speaking from London.

"The agreement between clubs has been reached," continued Hidalgo.

The Blues will host Slovakian team Zilina on Tuesday for the return-leg of the Champions League preliminary round. Crespo's signing should be made official after the game.


Inter today confirmed the agreement with Chelsea but refused to comment on the financial details.

"The agreement with Chelsea is complete," said Inter Milan general director Massimo Moretti, not to be confused with Inter president Massimo Moratti. Meanwhile, Chelsea have confirmed the purchase of Russian midfielder Alexei Smertin from Bordeaux for stg£3.45million.

"The signing has been completed of Russian international Alexei Smertin," said a statement on the club's website,

"The 28 year-old defensive midfielder has been purchased from Bordeaux for a fee of €5million having played in France for the last three seasons. Previously he was with Lokomotiv Moscow."

The French club added on their website, "After several days of uncertainty, the situation of Alexei Smertin has unblocked itself this weekend.

"The Russian international midfielder joins the English club Chelsea after three years of good and loyal service to Bordeaux."