
It's rare that an Englishman captures the rumbling and ragged Americana sound, but Londoner Bruntnell (right) carries it off …

It's rare that an Englishman captures the rumbling and ragged Americana sound, but Londoner Bruntnell (right) carries it off with no small degree of smartness and elegance. Think a mellow Big Star combined with the intelligence of Jimmy Webb (a connection forced by a song called By The Time My Head Gets To Phoenix) and you won't be too far wide of the mark.

His most recent album, the cider-influenced Normal For Bridgewater was recorded with the help of two Son Volt members (Eric Heywood and Dave Boquist) and features some of the best wounded but defiant songs you're likely to hear in the alt.????????? country genre. He plays Galway's Roisin Dubh next Tuesday, Dublin's Whelans next Wednesday, and Belfast's Errigal Inn on Thursday.

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture