
Mary Chapin Carpenter: Party Doll and Other Favorites (Columbia)

Mary Chapin Carpenter: Party Doll and Other Favorites (Columbia)

This is an alternative take on the greatest hits package so beloved of record companies and accountants alike. Mary Chapin Carpenter has been with Columbia for 12 years, and figured the time was right to sum up those years - but instead of trotting out the hit singles in conventional livery, she has opted for live versions, plus a couple of new songs. It's sufficiently different for fans to justify investment, while also offering interested observers a chance to catch up on this singer/songwriter's thoughtful and sensitive brand of new country folk. Though there are the inevitable notable absences, this collection allows her to draw breath - and us to conclude that there are few better able to articulate the disappointments and desires of liberal America. Check out her rivetting reading of Mick Jagger's Party Doll for evidence.

By Joe Breen