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Razors I stuck "ebay" & "gillette razor blades" into eBay and a bunch of stories came up about a spate of fakes being sold…

RazorsI stuck "ebay" & "gillette razor blades" into eBay and a bunch of stories came up about a spate of fakes being sold online . . . Not to say Richard isn't saving money, just something to watch out for. - Steve K

Petrol prices

It never ceases to amaze me how so many petrol stations in my area always seem to independently put up the price by the same amount on the same day after the price of oil goes up. It must also be one of the great mysteries of the age as to how the oil truck always only delivered the day before an oil price fall (therefore the stations can't drop until current stocks run out) and yet always manage to deliver the day after a major oil price increase (and therefore the station owners have to put up the price). - Colm

NTL broadband


Twice we arranged to have a technician [ from NTL] call around to set up broadband, twice NTL rang us (or I rang them) to confirm that the technician would call around. Twice nobody showed up. No one in NTL could explain why no one showed up. We eventually got it set up. And [ then] our internet was disconnected. Apparently there is no internet connection set up in our house! They have frequently promised to call us back, and they never do.- Rory

Charity collectors

Nowadays I boycott any charities that employ them. Imagine if every charity resorted to such bully tactics. It would be impossible to wander the streets again. - Dave G

Chuggers are unbelievably well paid too. I worked at a recruitment agency for a very short time about 5 years ago who acted on behalf of one of the charities - the going rate at that time was €20 an hour. - Catherine

So embarrassing getting stopped by those chuggers. I never know what to say. I don't walk in and out of work anymore, so it's not such a problem, but a few years ago when I walked everywhere I would get harassed by them all the time. It drove me to distraction. Eventually (and I remain slightly ashamed of this to this day), I would take out my mobile and pretend I was engrossed in conversation every time I approached one of them . . . I'm going to hell. - Neill