Church of Ireland to mark day of action

IRELAND: Church of Ireland cathedrals and parish churches across the island of Ireland will ring their bells at 2pm on Saturday…

IRELAND:Church of Ireland cathedrals and parish churches across the island of Ireland will ring their bells at 2pm on Saturday, December 8th, to mark the Global Day of Action on Climate Change.

The church has called on its parishes to ring the alarm as their contribution to an international day of protest which coincides with the Bali talks on climate change. The intent is to draw the issue to the attention of local politicians. Bells of the churches around Ireland will ring out at 2pm to signal that the world must warm by no more than 2 degrees if mankind is to continue to live with any level of comfort and safety.

Rev David Humphries, chairman of the church's ecological and environmental panel, has urged parishes to show their support by ringing their bells and by attending the public events organised in Dublin and Belfast. Patsy McGarry, Religious Affairs Correspondent