Chretien calls early federal election

Ottawa - Canada's Liberal Prime Minister, Mr Jean Chretien, yesterday called an early federal election for November 27th in a…

Ottawa - Canada's Liberal Prime Minister, Mr Jean Chretien, yesterday called an early federal election for November 27th in a risky attempt to capitalise on his lead in the polls and prevent the further rise of his main conservative opponents, the Canadian Alliance.

He went against the advice of many in his Liberal caucus and on his staff in heading to the polls now, rather than waiting until the spring, as he had originally hinted. Re-elected to a second term in June 1997, he did not actually have to call an election until mid-2002.

"There are very important choices to make for the future. As we enter an age of large budget surpluses, now is the time to make these choices," Mr Chretien said after requesting the Governor-General, Ms Adrienne Clarkson, to dissolve Parliament.

Mr Chretien formally visited Rideau Hall, residence of Ms Clarkson - representative of Queen Elizabeth, Canada's head of state - to get the 36-day campaign under way.