Cancer vaccine campaigner wins philanthropy award

A CAMPAIGNER for universal cervical cancer vaccinations in Co Monaghan was among three philanthropists recognised at an awards…

A CAMPAIGNER for universal cervical cancer vaccinations in Co Monaghan was among three philanthropists recognised at an awards ceremony yesterday.

The Philanthropist of the Year Awards, whose previous winners include JP McManus, were announced in Dublin.

International property developer Cathal McCarthy from Ballybay, Co Monaghan, received the local philanthropist of the year award for establishing Ireland’s first county fund for community projects three years ago.

He plans to work with local doctors to roll out a scheme to vaccinate 500 young girls in his county against cervical cancer in the new year. “The Government is silly not to be doing it,” he said. “The only chance this country has is our youth.”


Chantal McCabe was awarded national philanthropist of the year for her work with three social-innovation organisations which she co-founded and funded. These include the Immigrant Council of Ireland, Young Social Innovators and Social Innovations Ireland, which Sr Stanislaus Kennedy helped to set up.

“It was my husband’s idea,” said Ms McCabe, who emigrated from France to Dublin and married businessman Bill McCabe in 1981. “He gave me a budget and told me to go find a way to spend it.”

Young Social Innovators encourages social projects among transition year students. “We would like to grow to a point where it becomes part of the education system,” she said.

Farmer John Clarke was awarded international philanthropist of the year for his work with Friends of Ireland. He co-founded the organisation six years ago with broadcaster wife Marian Finucane after witnessing the impact of HIV during a trip to South Africa.

The couple built a hospice and orphan homes in Khayelitsha in Cape Town, and 10 outreach units in the Eastern Cape which now feed over 600 children daily. They also built a HIV outpatients’ department at St Elizabeth’s Hospital in Lusikisiki which now has 3,500 patients per week. The charity also runs adult-education courses.

Community Foundation grants committee chairwoman Anna Lee, who presented the awards, called on the Government to provide incentives for philanthropy in the budget. “As the public budget becomes under more pressure the need for philanthropy becomes more important,” she said.

The Community Foundation is a donor-services and grant-making organisation. It established the awards three years ago.