Canadian Liberal party reduced to minority

A stronger-than-expected showing for Canada's ruling Liberals punctured Conservative dreams of government after a decade out …

A stronger-than-expected showing for Canada's ruling Liberals punctured Conservative dreams of government after a decade out of power.

The Conservatives secured less than one third of the 308 seats in Parliament , although the party took solace in the fact that it had reduced the Liberals to a minority in Parliament.

Less than two weeks ago, Conservative leader Mr Stephen Harper was talking about a Conservative minority government, or even a majority one - an amazing achievement for a party founded just over six months ago in a merger of two right-wing rivals.

"I will admit that I feel some disappointment tonight but you should feel none. Together, in a very short period of time you have accomplished a unique feat in Canadian history," Mr Harper told supporters in Calgary.


"Men and women who only months ago were prepared to battle each other, or had given up the fight entirely, put aside their rivalries and their histories for the sake of the team and the future of this country and have deprived the Liberals of the majority they thought they were entitled to."