Brothers threatened to set pitbull terrier on gardai

Two brothers threatened to set a pitbull terrier on gardaí who wanted to carry out a drug search, a court heard yesterday.

Two brothers threatened to set a pitbull terrier on gardaí who wanted to carry out a drug search, a court heard yesterday.

Glen Oglesby (24) and Mark Oglesby (22), of Gloucester Place, Dublin, denied resisting arrest, assaulting two gardaí and breach of the peace near their home on September 29th, 2003.

Glen Oglesby also denied obstruction under the Misuse of Drugs Act by preventing gardaí from searching him.

Judge David Anderson found Mark Oglesby guilty of assault and breach of the peace, and gave him a two-month suspended jail sentence. He found Glen Oglesby guilty of all charges, and jailed him for six months after hearing he had a previous conviction for resisting a drug search.


Dublin District Court heard gardaí were on patrol in Gloucester Place. Glen Oglesby was walking towards waste ground when he saw the gardaí and suddenly turned back towards his home.

Garda Ian Brunton stopped him and told him he was going to search him for drugs, at which he started shouting abuse and threatening: "I'll stick a knife in you when you're on your own."

When Garda Ronan Hartnett came to assist, Glen Oglesby began flailing his arms and pushing. His brother, Mark, arrived, and also began pushing at one of the officers.

The pair walked into the garden of their house nearby where there was a pitbull terrier and started shouting they would "get the dog to tear you to shreds". The gardaí decided to leave the area until things had calmed down and later summonsed the brothers.