British poll tracks advancing support for war

A majority of people in Britain now support the war in Iraq after an increase in support for military action, a survey showed…

A majority of people in Britain now support the war in Iraq after an increase in support for military action, a survey showed tonight.

A Guardian/ICMpoll from March 14-16th asked "Do you approve or disapprove of a military attack against Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein?" Some 38 per cent of people polled approved of Tony Blair leading the country into war, while 44 per cent of people disapproved.

However, when the poll was repeated on March 22/23rd it discovered a 15 per cent shift towards war. Just 30 per cent were against the invasion of Iraq, while 54 per cent backed it.

Opposition to the war is now at its lowest reported level since the tracker poll began in August.


Both men and women have increased their favour towards war. Male backing for Mr Blair's action has increased by 14 per cent to 61 per cent, compared to last week.

In the same period, women's support for war has increased by 18 per cent to 47 per cent.

Both Conservative and Labour supporters overwhelmingly back action against Saddam Hussein, with support increasing from 48 per cent to 66 per cent and 45 per cent to 58 per cent respectively in the last week.

Liberal Democrat supporters now marginally back military action, with 45 per cent in favour, up 15 points in the week, and those against it 41 per cent, down 16 points.