British journalist held in Iraq released - reports

The British journalist being held by Iraqi militants has been released following mediation from the office of radical Shia Muslim…

The British journalist being held by Iraqi militants has been released following mediation from the office of radical Shia Muslim cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, according to reports.

As a result of mediation by the office of Sayyed Sadr, the British hostage will be released and handed over to Sadr's office in Basra
One of James Brandon's captors

Mr James Brandon, who was working for Britain's Sunday Telegraphnewspaper, was handed over to the Basra office of radical al-Sadr.

"I'm grateful to the Mehdi Army and I'm in good health now," Brandon told reporters shortly after his release.

Brandon, who had a black eye, said he was treated roughly at first, but then the mood of his captors softened.


Gunmen kidnapped Mr Brandon and threatened to kill him if the United States did not pull troops out of the holy city of Najaf, where they are fighting Mr Sadr's militia.