Body of Fermanagh man drowned in Japan accident found

The body of a Fermanagh man was discovered on Saturday morning in Japan.

The body of a Fermanagh man was discovered on Saturday morning in Japan.

Mr Eamon Gilleece (24) got into difficulties while swimming in the Hozu river, near Kyoto, on Wednesday last.

Mr Gilleece, from Kinawley, was educated at St Naile's Primary School, Kinawley, St Aidan's High School, Derrylin and St Michael's College, Enniskillen, before going to Sheffield Halam University where he completed a law degree.

He spent six months studying at Vaxjo University in Sweden.


For the last two years he had been teaching English in Japan. He had planned to come home at the end of this month for an extended holiday with his family and was due to return to Tokyo in October to begin working as a recruitment consultant with a leading banking company.

In recent years he had travelled extensively in Europe, the US, China, Vietnam, Thailand and several other countries.

His father and sister left for Japan on Friday morning. The British consulate in Osaka is co-ordinating plans to bring home his body later this week.

Father Gerry Comiskey CC, Kinawley, organised contacts with the Irish Consulate in Tokyo and the Columban Fathers who have several priests working in Japan. Both offices are assisting the Gilleece family in their ordeal. Father Comiskey explained that Mr Gilleece's mother and sisters had visited him several months ago in Kyoto near where the accident occurred.

The family is devastated, according to the Kinawley curate. "Eamon was a high achiever. He packed an enormous amount into his 24 years. It was fascinating and educational to read of his travels and experiences on his own website. We are grateful for the quick recovery of his body, and the community here is doing everything to help his family cope with the ordeal," he said.

Mr Gilleece was the son of John Joe and Mai and brother of Patricia and Caroline.