Bertie Christmas: prepaid greetings

PEOPLE LIVING in the Dublin Central constituency have complained about multiple cards in prepaid Oireachtas envelopes from former…

PEOPLE LIVING in the Dublin Central constituency have complained about multiple cards in prepaid Oireachtas envelopes from former taoiseach Bertie Ahern. In some instances, the cards from Mr Ahern, one of the two Fianna Fáil TDs representing the area, were sent to people who had died or who were no longer at the address.

A spokeswoman for Mr Ahern said: “They’re his own personal cards that he sends out every year. He sent them out on his own expense . . . His office understands there have been errors . . . and they will do their best to correct them.” She confirmed “some” were sent in Oireachtas envelopes but said the exact cost was not known.

TDs and Senators are entitled to a monthly allocation of 1,750 prepaid envelopes, according to an Oireachtas spokesman.

“This facility is provided in order to assist members carry out their duties as public representatives. It is a matter for each individual member to ensure the proper use of facilities provided to them.”


The total cost to the taxpayer of prepaid envelopes for all Oireachtas members is about €2.7 million each year.

Callers to yesterday’s Liveline with Joe Duffy on RTÉ Radio 1 complained about the delivery, and especially its timing, after the budget. “This morning, through my letterbox at a cost of, I presume, 55 cent a card, five cards arrived by post from Bertie,” one caller said. “I tore them in shreds and threw them in the bin. I am disgusted with the waste of money.”

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan is Features Editor of The Irish Times