BCI issues Lisbon Treaty guidelines

The Broadcasting Commission of Ireland (BCI) has issued new guidelines for broadcasters ahead of the Treaty of Lisbon Referendum…

The Broadcasting Commission of Ireland (BCI) has issued new guidelines for broadcasters ahead of the Treaty of Lisbon Referendum.

Under the guidelines the moratorium period has been extended and will now operate for the entire day before the referendum takes place and throughout the day of the poll itself, until the polling stations close.

The moratorium is aimed at ensuring that fairness and balance are achieved by broadcasters during the referendum. It is also intended to allow voters a period of reflection in the final stages of the Treaty debate.

In addition, the BCI has said that changes have been made in order to encourage a less restrictive approach to news and current affairs coverage during the moratorium period.

It also said that a prohibition on referendum-specific broadcasts by interest groups has been introduced, although public information ads from the Referendum Commission will still be allowed.

"The forthcoming treaty of Lisbon is an important public event and the BCI guidelines are produced to ensure fair, impartial and objective coverage of events and issues related to the Referendum. Furthermore, the amendments to the guidelines, in comparison with previous referenda, will ensure a uniformity of approach to coverage by all broadcasters both in terms of the scope of broadcasts and moratorium timeframes," said Michael O'Keeffe, chief executive of the BCI.

A copy of the BCI Treaty of Lisbon Referendum Guidelines is available on the Commission's website www.bci.ie or on request from the Commission at 01 6441200.

Charlie Taylor

Charlie Taylor

Charlie Taylor is a former Irish Times business journalist