Attack warning for US citizens in Italy

ITALY: The United States warned its citizens yesterday that they could be targeted by extremist groups in four Italian cities…

ITALY: The United States warned its citizens yesterday that they could be targeted by extremist groups in four Italian cities this coming Sunday. Washington's embassy in Italy said in a statement that the US government had received "credible reports" that terrorists were planning Easter attacks in Venice, Florence, Milan and/or Verona.

"These groups do not distinguish between official and civilian targets," the embassy said. Among possible targets mentioned were places of worship, restaurants, schools and outdoor events.

The embassy did not specify which groups might be involved but warned its citizens to "increase their security awareness and avoid large crowds". The warning expires on April 25th, it said.

It is not the first such warning in Italy. Following the September 11th attacks, Washington said its citizens in Italy were particularly vulnerable and investigators earlier this year claimed they had uncovered an apparent plot against the US embassy in Rome. Last week an Italian government official was killed in Bologna by an extremist left wing offshoot of the Red Brigades guerrilla group. - (Reuters)