Arrest over man's death in Zanzibar

A man has been arrested by detectives after an overseas aid worker was found dead on a beach in Zanzibar, it was confirmed today…

A man has been arrested by detectives after an overseas aid worker was found dead on a beach in Zanzibar, it was confirmed today.

Robert Stringer (26), from Co Wicklow, suffered head injuries when he was mugged on the island, which is located off Tanzania in the Indian Ocean.

His body was discovered on Friday morning. His wallet and shoes were missing.

The Department of Foreign Affairs said authorities have confirmed the arrest of a suspect.


It is understood the man is from Tanzania.

Mr Stringer had been working for an Irish charity Camara, which donates second-hand computers to African countries, for the last eight weeks.

He was holidaying alone in Zanzibar after volunteering with the organisation when he was died.

Officials at the Irish embassy in Dar es Salaam are working closely on the ground with the Tanzanian officials.

His body is expected to be repatriated later this week.