Ahmadinejad purges intelligence ministry

IRAN’S PRESIDENT has conducted a purge of the nation’s intelligence ministry, sweeping aside ranking officials with decades of…

IRAN’S PRESIDENT has conducted a purge of the nation’s intelligence ministry, sweeping aside ranking officials with decades of experience in favour of loyalists, according to a lawmaker, several news websites and the son of a former intelligence chief.

The move, chronicled by news outlets on Sunday, underscores the deep rifts and disarray within the highest echelons of the country’s security apparatus in the wake of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s disputed re-election on June 12th.

Analysts say the purge flushes away decades of intelligence experience. Even after the 1979 Islamic revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic, chose to co-opt the clandestine services into his new government rather than start from scratch.

“Ahmadinejad has practically taken command of the most significant security organ in the country and is embarking on a retaliation project,” Hassan Younesi, the son of former intelligence minister Ali Younesi, wrote in letter posted on his blog.


“Never has the intelligence ministry witnessed such a politically motivated purge since its establishment. This gesture will certainly inflict heavy damage on the management of the ministry.”

Officials in the Revolutionary Guard allied with the president have moved to rid the powerful ministry of intelligence and security of senior officers deemed disloyal to Mr Ahmadinejad and his allies, the analysts say.

Lawmaker Ahmad Avai accused Mr Ahmadinejad of “settling scores” with intelligence ministry officials who had showed unspecified disloyalty to him, according to an interview published by fararu.ir, a news website.

“We have to be worried about the ongoing clean-up at the intelligence ministry and the persistence of this trend will irreparably harm the ministry,” he said, describing the dismissed officials as “pious, experienced and law-abiding”.

Among those sacked were the ministry’s number two official and the chief of counter-intelligence, Mr Younesi said. Alef.ir, a news website close to conservative lawmaker Ahmad Tavakoli, said those leaving include the head of the ministry’s technology department, a 25-year veteran, its parliamentary liaison and the chief of ministry security, who is said to be a confidant of Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Some analysts say Mr Ahmadinejad was enraged at the ministry after its leader, Gholamhossein Mohseni-Ejei, opposed the airing of taped confessions extracted from detained election protesters and politicians. The president fired Mr Mohseni-Ejei last month.

Analysts have also said that many in the ministry supported presidential challenger Mir Hossein Mousavi over Mr Ahmadinejad, and that Mr Mohseni-Ejei allowed a group of intelligence personnel to deliver a report to Ayatollah Khamenei chronicling massive electoral fraud in the election.

Mr Ahmadinejad last month made himself temporarily de facto chief of the agency, which has operatives and offices all over the country. Hossein Taeb and Ahmad Salek, two hardline clerics loyal to the president and close to the Revolutionary Guard, now control the vast human intelligence and electronic monitoring infrastructure of the ministry, Mr Younesi wrote.

Mr Ahmadinejad said he would seek parliament’s approval for a new cabinet, including an intelligence minister, by mid-August.

By law, the post must be filled by a cleric. Traditionally, Ayatollah Khamenei must also give his blessing to the person filling the position. – (Los Angeles Times-Washington Post service)