Afghans release kidnapper's mother, three others

Afghanistan has freed four people, including the mother of the man who kidnapped an Italian aid worker, but their release was…

Afghanistan has freed four people, including the mother of the man who kidnapped an Italian aid worker, but their release was not part of a deal to free the Italian from 24 days in captivity, a government spokesman said.

Interior Minister Ali Ahmad Jalali told a news conference on Thursday, shortly after Ms Clementina Cantoni was released, that no concessions had been made to her kidnappers.

But Mr Jalali's spokesman said on Saturday the mother of Mr Timoor Shah, the leader of the kidnapping gang, and three other suspected abductors had been released.

"Timoor Shah's mother, along with three others who were detained for questioning on the issue of kidnapping, were released," said the spokesman, Mr Lutfullah Mashal.


Mr Mashal said last month that Mr Timoor Shah's mother had been arrested in connection with the kidnap and killing of the son of a Kabul businessman several months ago, and Mr Timoor Shah had seized Ms Cantoni to bargain for his mother's release.

But on Saturday Mr Mashal said no charge had been laid against the woman or the other three suspected of kidnapping and killing the businessman's son, so they had been set free.

Mr Mashal said five members of the Timoor Shah kidnap gang, including two suspected of involvement in Cantoni's kidnapping, remained in custody.

Ms Cantoni's abduction has raised fresh fears among Afghanistan's foreign community of Iraq-style kidnappings by anti-government insurgents or criminals.

In the capital, Kabul, many foreigners live in fear of kidnapping. Aid agencies have imposed curfews on their staff, forbidding them to venture out into the streets after dark.

Even during daylight hours, aid workers are advised to limit travel and exercise extreme caution.

Large part of Afghanistan are already off limits to foreign aid workers as crime and Taliban insurgent violence spiral.