Aer Lingus outsourcing plan imminent - Siptu

Aer Lingus is expected to outline details of its €100 million cost-saving plan after a board meeting on Friday, its largest trade…

Aer Lingus is expected to outline details of its €100 million cost-saving plan after a board meeting on Friday, its largest trade union said today.

Siptu representatives met with management at Aer Lingus today under the auspices of the Labour Relations Commission and told the company they will oppose outsourcing of any part of the operation.

In a statement afterwards, Siptu said the company outlined to the union its current and projected economic
situation for 2008-2009.

"The company also reiterated its intention to implement significant cost reductions across all of its operations," Siptu said.

Aer Lingus is to announce the extent of the cost savings required following the Aer Lingus board meeting scheduled for this Friday.


"Following the board meeting, meetings will be arranged early next week at which the company will outline the specifics regarding their cost cutting proposals," Siptu said.

The union said it had stated its "total opposition" to outsourcing at the meeting with management today.

A spokeswoman for Aer Lingus said the company would not comment on the meeting or on whether the company would outline its plans on Friday.