Aer Lingus dispute talks to continue at LRC

Talks aimed at preventing a dispute at Aer Lingus are set to resume at midday at the Labour Relations Commission (LRC).

Talks aimed at preventing a dispute at Aer Lingus are set to resume at midday at the Labour Relations Commission (LRC).

The talks involving the carrier and Siptu, the State's largest union, adjourned at the LRC shortly after 11pm yesterday.

According to Siptu, "some progress" was made yesterday in "evaluating alternatives to outsourcing jobs" at Aer Lingus.

Under the airline's plans, about 1,300 jobs will go through outsourcing, redundancy and early retirement. Aer Lingus is seeking to close cabin-crew bases in Shannon and Heathrow, and use US crews on some transatlantic routes.


Siptu has proposed alternative measures to those set out by management in a bid to generate payroll savings of €50 million. It is understood one part of the proposals would involve the company effectively buying out existing terms and conditions of staff, who would remain with the company.

Siptu has served notice for strike action on Aer Lingus. This is to come into effect from next Monday, November 24th.

The union has indicated that from that date it could begin either limited industrial action, such as work stoppages, or a full-scale strike that could include pickets.