Adair and associates warned by UDA

Former UDA chief Johnny Adair has been warned against trying to split the paramilitary unit

Former UDA chief Johnny Adair has been warned against trying to split the paramilitary unit. Ulster Defence Association leaders in west Belfast have accused the deposed commander and his supporters of running a smear campaign against the new regime.

Although Adair is in jail and his associates have moved to Lancashire after they were forced to flee Northern Ireland, the UDA claimed they were attempting to undermine efforts to restore order.

A statement issued by the organisation's west Belfast brigade said: "Over the last six months, disenfranchised former members and others have waged a campaign of division.

"These individuals brought nothing but heartache and shame to our organisation and community in the past and are intent in doing the same in the present and future. We would inform those individuals that their campaign is not working, nor will it work in the future."


Adair was returned to Maghaberry Prison 12 months ago at the height of a vicious power struggle in the UDA which left four men dead. His family and friends were forced to leave the Lower Shankill as the terrorist organisation took control.

The UDA has now blamed former colleagues of trying to "create an atmosphere of distrust and disharmony".

The statement added: "This organisation has worked tirelessly to overturn a legacy of shame those former members left behind." - (PA)