80,000 children to receive road safety vests

ABOUT 80,000 children starting school for the first time this year are to be given a high-visibility vest as part of a national…

ABOUT 80,000 children starting school for the first time this year are to be given a high-visibility vest as part of a national road safety campaign.

The Road Safety Authority said luminous yellow vests for junior infants pupils would be delivered to primary schools across the State.

Chief executive Noel Brett yesterday called on parents and teachers to prioritise road safety.

“Children are the most vulnerable of our road users so it is really important that they are ‘streetwise’ about road safety. Parents and guardians should make a real effort to demonstrate good road safety behaviour at all times as your child will learn from your example,” Mr Brett said.


“So if your child walks or cycles to school, take them on the route in advance and make sure they know where they are going.

“If they travel by car or bus, make sure they know how important it is to put their seatbelt on at all times.”

The vests, sponsored by ESB, are part of the authority’s wider back-to-school campaign, which includes the distribution of safety packs to all primary and secondary schools.

In addition to the vests, the primary school packs contain leaflets for parents on getting children to school safety; copies of the Safe Cross Codesong on CD; a newsletter; and information for school authorities on best road safety practice for organising or travelling to school events.

The secondary school leaflet also contains a booklet on safe cycling.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times