3 held over priest's murder in Kenya

Police in Kenya have arrested three people suspected of being behind the killing of Fr Jeremiah Roche, the Irish priest who was…

Police in Kenya have arrested three people suspected of being behind the killing of Fr Jeremiah Roche, the Irish priest who was murdered in the course of a robbery at his home there last week.

He had been a missionary in the country for more than four decades.

Fr Roche (68), from Athea, west Limerick, was stabbed to death a week ago at his home on the outskirts of Kericho town, about 200 km (120 miles) west of Nairobi.

The burglars stole a laptop, his mobile phone and an unknown amount of money.


"The three suspects are assisting us with our investigation to know the motive of the murder and (we are) still pursuing other suspects," north west regional police commander Peterson Maelo said. "We have not managed to recover any of the stolen items."

Fr Roche had worked in Kenya since 1968. His body was found by parishioners after he failed to appear for a 6am Mass.

Violent crime is a major problem in east Africa's biggest economy where armed robberies and car-jackings are common.