10,000 award for popcorn burn

A four-year-old Dublin girl who was struck on the face by a piece of popcorn has been awarded €10,000 damages.

A four-year-old Dublin girl who was struck on the face by a piece of popcorn has been awarded €10,000 damages.

Barrister Alison McIntyre told the Circuit Civil Court yesterday that Kerri Rafferty suffered a burn just under her right eye. Kerri, of Greenfort Lawns, Quarryvale, Clondalkin, had been with her mother, Stephanie Rafferty, when the accident happened.

A piece of popcorn had popped out of an oven in Bus Stop newsagents, Ballyfermot, in November 2005.

Ms McIntyre said Kerri, now seven, had suffered a small burn which later become infected and left a scar. She had been treated by her doctor.


Ms McIntyre said the defendants, Stephen Palmer, trading as Bus Stop newsagents, Ballyfermot, and Macoven MP, a Spanish automatic popcorn vending machine manufacturer, had made the €10,000 offer.

Mr Justice Matthew Deery said the popcorn had caused a small burn injury but it had left a scar.