Go Read

Iran. Persia: Ancient and Modern, By Helen Loveday, Bruce Wannell, Christoph Baumer and Bijan Omrani,Odyssey Books, £15.95

Iran. Persia: Ancient and Modern,By Helen Loveday, Bruce Wannell, Christoph Baumer and Bijan Omrani,Odyssey Books, £15.95

This being the hot issue, it’s good to take a look at a book from somewhere baking, and Iran ticks the box on two fronts - its temperatures are staggering and, in the years to come, it is expected to become something of a fixture on alternative tourists’ itineraries.

This almost 500-page guide brings together some deeply impressive research and the expertise of four authors to produce a handsome guide to a country most of us know next to nothing about. Far from the single-minded image of Iran that is popular in the media, full of religious fundamentalists out to suppress human rights while taking every opportunity to rail against the West, this book attempts to encompass the breadth and depth of a country that for thousands of years has been a crossing point for Asian and European cultures and a true melting pot for entire civilisations and cultures.

The initial 100-odd pages focus on Iranian history, a hefty shift for any guide book, followed by a very useful “facts for the traveller” section, where basic questions are answered in confidence. There are good entries on Islamic art, music, architecture and geography, before we get into the meat-and-bones descriptions of specific cities and areas.


The chapters are packed with information and laced with special breakout essays by Bruce Wannell (the one on religion is particularly illuminating). Listings for accommodation are at the back of the book, with a particularly good list of websites.

This feels like an old school, intelligent guide for a traveller who doesn’t want their hand held – which is no doubt exactly the type of person who would choose to visit Iran. When you’re armed with solid, clear advice, you don’t need reams of recommendations.

On a final note, this will be the last Go Read column for the foreseeable future. Travel books will continue to be covered by our Books pages in Weekend Review, and on The Irish Timesarts blog, which I will be writing. Thanks for reading.

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