Seven Days

A glance at the week that was

A glance at the week that was

We now know

  • The Lisbon Treaty has come in to law across Europe
  • A drowning kitten was rescued by a passer-by this week, who gave the animal CPR
  • Female pandas chirp to let male pandas know that they're in their fertile phase.

"They have asked for that, really"

Fifa president Sepp Blatter tells a laughing media about Ireland’s request to be the World Cup’s 33rd country



This will come as no surprise to anyone, but November was one of the wettest months ever. At Valentia, Co Kerry, it was certainly the wettest since records began in 1866, with 15 inches of rain falling. The country’s worst day was November 19th. Met Éireann calculated that the amount of rain that fell on Galway (left) between November 15th and 20th happens only every 300 years, or thereabouts. What are the chances that next year will prove it a twice-in-every-300-years event?

Let him be

It was an unlikely row, but this week former Beatle Paul McCartney got himself a ticking off from the Irish Farmers’ Association president, Pádraig Walshe. McCartney had called on the European Parliament to encourage meat-free Mondays to counter climate change. “Instead of campaigning MEPs to reduce the livestock herd in Europe, Paul McCartney should be lobbying to safeguard grass-based beef production here,” said Walshe. Calling for a “meat free Monday” would be a waste of Sunday roast leftovers, added MEP Mairéad McGuinness.


Number of extra US troops being sent to Afghanistan (right)


Number of Waterford students arrested on Wednesday night, after early Christmas celebrations got out of hand