Art and science combine with the spiritual in Carlow

Carlow has gone all starry-eyed of late, thanks to the group exhibition Cosmic Dust, curated by Emma-Lucy O'Brien, which looks at how we orient ourselves in the universe and how art and science can combine with the spiritual to help us put meaning on our world. Merging ideas from artists, philosophers and scientists, exhibits include blackboard drawings produced between 1919 and 1924 by Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner. There's also a Martin Healy film on Paul Scheebart's 1907 plan to build a perpetual motion machine that would create free energy, and a rolling loop of French film-maker and illusionist George Méliès's 1902 film Le Voyage dans la Lune (1902) along with the work of contemporary artists such as Anita Groener, Ruth Lyons and Remco de Fouw. Until May 17th at Visual Carlow,