My style

DEIRDRE McQUILLAN talks to model Yomiko Chen.

DEIRDRE McQUILLANtalks to model Yomiko Chen.

DESCRIBE WHAT YOU'RE WEARINGThe jacket is Pinko, the dress from All Saints, the seamed tights from House of Fraser and the shoes from Lara in Dame Lane. The bag is Dior, and I bought the gold pendant in Portrero Hill in the Hibernian Way shopping arcade.

DO YOU ALWAYS WEAR BLACK?Yes, because it's easy and sometimes fashion shows are so colourful that it's nice to wear dark. It's good for my job and also it's harder to make mistakes if you wear black. Somebody called me a Christmas tree when I once put on a lot of colour! But I look for good design in black, not a uniform.

WHAT SORT OF CLOTHES DO YOU LIKE?I'm so glad leggings are back because I love leggings and tights. I also love jeans, but I don't wear them before a show because the seams leave a line on my leg – the same with socks. I've been into ankle boots for the past two years.


ARE THERE ANY THINGS YOU'D NEVER WEAR?I like white and have bought white clothes, but have never worn them. I never wear long dresses or very short skirts, and never bare legs. I don't like very short skirts and bling bling. Short dresses are not comfortable on their own. I don't wear shoes with peep-toes, it's a culture thing, and until I came to Ireland nearly five years ago, I never wore high heels.

WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE SHOP AND THE MOST YOU'VE EVER SPENT?My favourite shop is All Saints, and the most I've ever spent was on my Chanel watch three years ago. I love bags and shoes, and spend money on things that will last forever. I don't like wasting money.

WHY DO BIG BRANDS HAVE SUCH A FOLLOWING IN CHINA?The Chinese like big brand names more than the Irish, and part of me thinks you never make a mistake with a designer bag, but I don't like it when girls spend all their wages on a bag. I treat myself on my birthday.

WHAT ABOUT GROOMING?I never wore make-up until I came to Ireland and started modelling, and I don't wear lipstick. But once every three weeks I go to Zara in Queen beauty salon to have a hair treatment, facial and massage. My favourite hairdressers are Michael Leong and Gary Kavanagh from Peter Mark.

IS IT EASY FOR ASIAN MODELS TO FIND WORK?Blondes are more popular for press calls. I think I have been very lucky. My special looks have given me lots of jobs. Modelling is my dream job and I have learnt from other girls here. I am no competition to them because of my different looks. Models are friendly here, but not in London.

DO IRISH WOMEN DRESS VERY DIFFERENTLY FROM THE CHINESE?The Irish tend to be very classic during the day, but dress up at night. In China we are more modest and we don't have girls' nights out. In China we use umbrellas to protect our skin in summer whereas here they like tanning.

ARE ATTITUDES TO MODELLING THE SAME HERE AS IN CHINA?In China modelling is not seen as a real job, but as an easy way to find a husband and start a family. Girls start young with little education, but here girls figure out a future in a different way, by going to college, for example.

WHAT ABOUT WEIGHT?I eat Chinese food every single day and I never watch my weight. I do put it on, but I lose it easily, too. I found the London models skinny and I was the biggest one there.

WHAT DO YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT MODELLING?I like being on the stage. It's like a quick fix for me and I get so excited waiting to see my pictures in magazines. I send everything home to my mother in Beijing. One day I can look back and tell my friends; this was me then.

WHAT ABOUT FUTURE PLANS? I'd like to have my own agency back in China in 10 years' time, maybe. For a business woman I am still young, for a model I am old. But home is where the heart is and if I can make my dream come true, that's where my home will be.