My first car

Paul Newman , chairman of Douglas Newman Good, on his driving experiences.

Paul Newman, chairman of Douglas Newman Good, on his driving experiences.

What was your first car?

A Triumph Vitesse 1600 - navy blue, white stripe on flanks and roof.

Why did you buy it?


It was fast, sporty and good looking. A lot of car for the money.

New or second-hand?


Did you know how to drive when you bought it?


What did you know about cars when you bought it?

A lot. I was always interested and still am. I collect classics now.

What advice did you get when you were looking for a car?

Buy as new as possible and something economic. I didn't take this advice.

What did you pay for the car?

£350 in 1974 - half my wages.

Was it hard to get insurance?


How reliable was it?

It did break down a lot but I didn't mind. I loved it!

How did it change your life?

I was the envy of my friends. I was really cool with a fast sportscar. A real roar out of the six-cylinder engine and still a teenager!

What was the longest trip you ever took in the car?

Drove to London.

What was your best memory or most memorable moment in the car?

Doing 120 mph on the M1 to Belfast.

. . . and your worst memory?

A breakdown at night in Athlone in driving rain.

How long did you keep the car?

I kept it for two years.

What did you get next?

I bought a 2 litre version in cream with green stripe on flanks and green roof - fab! I got £300 for the old car. Not bad. I'm an estate agent and they gave me the house for sale - so not a bad deal!