My Bike & I

Peter Ennis , director of operations and technology, TV3

Peter Ennis, director of operations and technology, TV3

Rides: Suzuki Bandit 1200 and Honda CBR1100 Blackbird

Why these particular bikes? I love the retro look and comfort of the Bandit. The Blackbird, however, is in a world of it's own. I have always admired them from afar and finally bought one a couple of months ago. It's a beautiful looking bike, handles really well with oodles of power.

Why where you drawn to two wheels? I have always been attracted to the freedom that a bike gives you, the slight detachment from the humdrum of daily life, and the bond you have with other bikers. Nothing compares to heading out early on a summer morning and taking the long way to work.


Did you take any rider training? I started riding bikes in 1976, when training was unavailable and you got a licence if you could stay upright for more than 10 yards. To my shame I have not taken any since then, but it's on my to-do list.

What type of licence do you hold for your bikes? I've had a full licence since 1979. I used to live in the UK, so I did the test there. I had to stay upright for a lot further than 10 yards!

What does your insurance cost? €800 from Carole Nash.

Do you drive a car too? Yes, I have an Alfa Romeo 156 2.5 V6 languishing in my driveway.

Does your wife mind you biking? Jemma realises the great pleasure and satisfaction I get from a spin on the bike and wants to get a bike herself, but she does worry about my safety. She is a regular pillion passenger and realises that I don't take chances. She does get pissed off at bike bits that materialise out of nowhere though!

Do you worry about your survival? Always, particularly with the complete myopia many car drivers have for bikes, or indeed for each other. The overall standard of driving here compared to most European countries is truly shocking, and I hope Martin Cullen and fellow biker Gay Byrne can make a difference with the forthcoming revision of the Road Traffic legislation.

What do you use your bike for? Mostly commuting about 50 miles a day, and any other chance I get, which is not easy with small kids!

Have you ever had any accidents? Not for many years. I'm always expecting the worst though.

Do you follow motor sports? Yes, from my armchair mostly. I thoroughly enjoyed the TV coverage of the recent Isle of Man TT and I occasionally get to the Skerries road races.

Have you taken any trips abroad? I use the bike occasionally for trips to the UK, combining business with pleasure. The last big trip I took was around Eastern Europe in the early 1990s, just after the Wall came down and it was a fantastic experience.

Have you any suggestions on how to improve conditions for bikers in this country? Follow the lead of several other European countries and allow us to legally use the bus lanes. Most gardaí take a very sensible attitude and don't pull us for doing so. Compulsory basic training for all and the removal of the legion of drivers who have been driving for years on provisional licenses will go a long way to improve the overall standard of driving and hence safety.

What are your safety tips? Invest in good gear, be seen, anticipate, and expect the worst.