... Seamus Hayes, house husband

... Seamus Hayes, house husband

What is your current machine? An EVT 168 fully electric moped that cost 00. The average driving range is 30 miles with a charge time of six hours. It costs 7cent per 100 km.

What attracted you to this bike? I love plug-and-go gadgets. I've got a battery operated lawnmower, strimmer, computer, drills etc. Also, there are no fumes, no oil leaks, no noise pollution and it's great for the environment. I'd love lighter batteries - that would increase the driving range.

What attracted you to two rather than four wheels? You just can't park your car on the footpath anymore. I went to the south of France last year and the only people getting anywhere in the traffic were those on two wheels. Next time I can leave my car at the campsite, hire a bike and be confident, and free. You can't carry a full weekly shop on a bike, but then that's what online shopping and home delivery is for.


Do you drive a car? Yes, I don't fly and need a car to go on holidays.

Are you likely to change your bike in the future or are you happy with what you've got? I do plan on getting a bigger bike in the future so that I can travel further, but there's no way I will give up my moped.

What do you use your bike for? For pleasure and to go out on it whenever I can.

How much do you spend on gear? The only money I've spent over and above the purchase was on a helmet. I've been given, and always wear, a bright orange high-visibility vest.

Ever had an accident on the bike? I've never been knocked off or fallen off, but I did drop the bike on the second day. Bits of plastic were the only casualty. I glued them back on and got on with it.

What's the bond that links bikers closer than motorists? Motorists don't seem to get pleasure from driving anymore . . . what with traffic jams, screaming kids in the back, mothers-in-law telling them they're driving too fast. Bikers just love to ride and have no animosity towards each other.

Anything you'd like to say to motorists? Yes, rear view mirrors are for checking traffic not for shaving, doing make-up, squeezing your spots or - as I witnessed on one occasion - using curling tongs. Concentrate, concentrate, concentrate pleeaaassse!!!!

If you were minister for transport what changes would you make for motorcyclists? I would make all roads smooth, and would make white lines on roads out of different material. They are so dangerous for bikes especially in the wet, and bus lane markings are the worst. And I'd abolish tax on bikes, like they have in France. Bikes don't cause congestion or road damage.

What do you think of the current bike test? Nothing wrong with the requirements, but I believe the granting of a licence should be based on assessment over different days in different conditions, on different roads. How can it be equal for one rider to do their test on a cold wet winter day and another to do it on a fine summer day in a 40-minute slot, just doesn't make sense. You wouldn't decide to get married based on one short date no matter how much you thought you'd practised beforehand.

Do you watch Motorcycle Motorsport? Absolutely. Moto GP and World Superbikes are brill. RTÉ should be commended this year for their occasional live coverage of the Moto GP championship, and their comprehensive delayed coverage on Wednesday nights. Valentino Rossi is my hero. Luckily I'm too old (40 this year) to have any inspirations to ride fast. It's a comfy seat and a drink for me.

Have you ever received any reaction, positive or negative, from other bikers? I get spoken to at traffic lights a lot, people ask about charge times, the range of the batteries, cost etc. I get stopped by both men and women. Women of all ages love the look of the bike, and without exception smile. I get laughed at a lot by the 14-17 year old male group, but I'm not out to please them, only myself. After all, if that nice brunette on the Honda CBR600 thinks my bike is cool, who am I to argue?