My bike and I

Mattie Griffin , stunt rider

Mattie Griffin, stunt rider

Rides: A Honda CBR 900 and Gas Gas TXT 280 trial bike

Why did you become a stunt rider? Ever since I was very young I have been trying tricks on my BMX then moved onto motorcycles and when I saw the stunt riding on the sports channels on TV that was when I wanted to do it myself.

Do you ride a road bike? Yes I have a Suzuki K5 SV1000S.


Why were you drawn to bikes initially? My dad had a car and commercials garage when I was young so my brother and I spent most of our summers driving cars and bikes or whatever we could get our hands on around the yard behind the garage.

What did your family think when you took up the dangerous sport of stunt riding? They accepted it a long time ago. I think they just realised they had no choice in the matter. But they are behind me all the way.

Do you worry about your survival as a stunt rider? Well it's a dangerous sport and I do realise this but I really enjoy it, as you can tell by the expression on my face if you have seen one of my shows already.

What's the most dangerous stunt you have ever done? Most of the impressive tricks are slow moving so it's just the high-speed tricks that are very dangerous but I suppose one of the most dangerous tricks I have done is sitting on the handle bars with only one hand on the bars doing a wheelie at about 75mph.

Have you ever had any accidents? Yes, I have, but no major ones.

Do you follow motor sports like motocross, road racing or Moto GP? I follow most motorcycle sports. I come from a trials background, so I follow that the most.

Have you taken any biking trips abroad? No but I would like to. I'm just too busy training and doing shows at the moment but I get to go abroad a lot between doing shows and competing.

Have you any suggestions on how to improve conditions for bikers in this country? Yes, I think the government shouldn't spend so much time and money trying to make it more difficult for people to get insurance and a licence.

And maybe before kids finish school or college the Government could make it compulsory to do some type of a driving skills course or test, I think it would save lives or accidents at least.

I have never had a road accident yet and I know that if I were not given the driving skills from my dad when I was young I would certainly have had one or more by now. I think it is very important to learn these skills when you are young rather than before it's too late!

What are your tips for survival on the road? You can't rely on other drivers to look out for you so you have to have 100 per cent concentration and be very observant at all times and don't ever take chances.

What's your dream machine? I don't really have a dream machine but if I were to go and get a new bike tomorrow I would love a Honda CBR100RR.

Any tips for budding stuntmen or women? It's a very enjoyable sport and there is a great feeling when you perfect a new trick but be careful - it is a dangerous sport.

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