Lower limits for Dublin

Hard shoulder: NEW LOWER speed limits are planned for south Dublin with a maximum limit of 60km/h on much of the N11, 30km/h…

Hard shoulder:NEW LOWER speed limits are planned for south Dublin with a maximum limit of 60km/h on much of the N11, 30km/h limit in many neighbourhood areas, and a 100km/h limit on an upgraded, three-lane section of the M50. Meanwhile a two-lane section of the M50 will still be designated at 120km/h.

Conor Faughnan of the AA said there was a danger of setting speed limits which were too low. He said in rush hour traffic the N11 limit was academic, but with an almost empty three lane carriageway at 2am and limiting people to only 60km/h undermined limits generally and was unlikely to be obeyed.