What's going up and what's going down this week?

What's going up and what's going down this week?


Demetri MartinThis deadpan stand-up comic has a quirky style all his own, and his new US TV show is earning rave reviews.

The Woman Who Left HerselfAnother chance to see last year's Spirit of the Fringe award-winner, at 13 North Great George's Street, Dublin 1, until next Saturday.


Economics blogsBecause knowing the difference between CDOs and CDSs is the new knowing the difference between Sunnis and Shias. Planet Money, Marginal Revolution and Alphaville are top.

Diagrammatic Literary magazine The Booksellerjust announced the shortlist for the 2009 Diagram Prize, awarded to books with odd titles. Previous winners include Living with Crazy Buttocks.

VillagersConor O'Brien's new band crawl out from their heap of music-blog superlatives to play Crawdaddy in Dublin tonight, and Mullingar in a week's time. Find out whether they warrant the excitement, for a mere tenner.

TwitterersWe know the micro- blogging service has been around for three years, but still half the country decided to join inside three days the other week.

Ben & Jerry'sAfter creating "Yes Pecan" in honour of Obama, they asked the public to name a flavour for George W. "Cookie D'Oh" or "Credit Crunch", anyone?


The OscarsEvery year we watch, and nearly every year they reward mediocrity. When will we learn that the little bald statue is a mark of "worthiness" more than of excellence?

Insert Government Minister's name hereNone of them is showing the leadership we desperately need at the moment, so feel free to nominate any Brian, Mary or Batt who leaves you particularly cold this week. But we're liking Joan Burton.

Creepy kid horror moviesDoes every Hollywood horror movie have to feature frightening children of the pale and sinister variety? The Unborn is the latest to ape The Ring's preteen evildoer.